Current vacancies with Northern
Thank you for considering a career here at Northern. Follow the links below to be able to view the available vacancies which are relevant to you. Any applications made by external candidates for internal only roles will not be considered and will be withdrawn from the process.
Before you apply, you may want to learn more about our people, our roles and our teams and also what it’s like to work here at Northern. Our Careers Website will provide you with all of this information, plus lots of extras too!
Register for a Vacancy Alert
Don’t worry if you can’t find your perfect job role right now – you can register your name and email address, telling us which types of roles you’re interested in and in which locations. We’ll then email you when an opportunity becomes available that matches what you’re looking for.
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External Vacancies
If you are not an existing employee, you can click below to view vacancies, register for alerts or login to view previous activity.